

Page history last edited by Oxana Krailo 5 years, 3 months ago


 Hello, world!


 We are happy to introduce you our school, our school life, and ourselves, too!


 Who are we? 


  We are the pupils and teachers of the secondary school of Luchynets, that is a world in itself and ready to be open for you and all of those, who would like to be our friends. So,   

Welcome to our school!

Two years ago we got a big challenge  - debating! Meet our Debate Club participants. We got lots of fun discussing different problems. One of the most interesting ones was about pros and cons of  using the Internet.


And for more informаtion go to pages Debating Club або на україномовну сторінку Дебатний клуб "Альфа і Омега"

We've already tried participation in the E-twinning projects. Our first one was "Let's join our hands together" - the purpose of it is learning about the other countries by exchanging the hand-made hands painted in the colours of national flags. We got the hands from Poland and Netherlands, France and Estonia, Finland and Lithuania.  Bedides, kids wrote letters to Santa, and on the 10th eTwinning anniversary they made a birthday cake card! Visit eTwinning projects: a letter to Santa to see the activities we did. They are followed by many other ones!  just click the links! and - we would be happy to have you registrated, logged in - and leaving your comments!

And here is a short film about the school life:


We learn how to use the computer for creativity so we took part in the regional contest of videofilms!

Enjoy the page of it: Why English and have a look at our village, ourselves, our dreams and intentions.

One of is  here for you right now:



And one more video is connected with... love! It's in Ukrainian but still is quite sweet and creative.

So, do you really know what love is? Whatch and learn:)

You can explore the images of Ukraine watching at some photos of our land on  Our beloved Motherland page.  


  And if you want


To find out about our previous experience in the international  projects participation - like "Learning Circles" of IEARN - go to Culture Conservation: projects exchange  to find the info about this Learning Circle session, as well as at  Participation in IEARN projects , Our Learning Circle Friends ,Our Heroes ,The Ukrainian Participants ,Welcome Pack , My Hero Project: Fall 2012  

Для винятково україномовних гостей сторінки - зайдіть у Вітальню, якщо вас цікавить, як отримати запрошення на цю сторінку, та після реєстрації залишайте свої коментарі. У цій же папці ви можете завітати на сторінку Моє портфоліо - там стисло викладена інформація про професійну діяльність автора, Країло О.А. Крім того, у 2015 році ми почали новий методичний проект - створення аудіосупроводу до підручників Алли Несвіт 1-6 класів (за новою програмою). Всім тим, кому потрібна допомога в озвучені уроків для першачків, або ж - вимова нових слів за вправами чи читання текстових вправ, радимо перейти на сторінку Audiobooks for Nesvit textbook

Розробки матеріалів для роботи з батьками та учнями - поради стосовно підготовки до уроку: How to sign up a workbook or a copybook.docHow to prepare for the lesson.docВи хочете гарно знати англійську.docКорисні поради.docДомашнє завдання.doc  

 You can find ideas for the parties both in Ukrainian and English on Scripts for the parties and events 


Якщо ж вас цікавить наш Євроклубівський досвід - відвідайте сторінку    Євроклуб "Вікно в Європу"  та новий допис - Літня Академія Євроклубів  

Крім того, автор адмініструє сайт "Віртуальний кабінет вчителів іноземних мов Мурованокуриловецького району", де розміщено цікаву добірку розробок, інструктивно-методичних матеріалів та ін.

Для переходу натисніть на посилання: nico-inoz.at.ua


Потребуєтe перекладу? Тисніть сюди! You need translation? Click on -  

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Comments (14)

Oxana Krailo said

at 9:10 pm on Sep 24, 2009

Hi,there! Welcome to our page!

wendy jewell said

at 10:55 pm on Nov 1, 2010

Hello OxanaSo glad to see you participating agian in the My HEro Learning Circles.
HOW ARE YOU? and your class? We had snow flurries yesterday but they melted as they hit the ground and today it is cold but sunny. We are using our wood stove every night now.

Ruslana Shamanska said

at 7:42 am on Sep 29, 2009

Hello from HAdiach - a little town in Poltava region!

Oxana Krailo said

at 10:13 pm on Feb 2, 2010

Hello to everybody who visits this workplace and cares enough to want to comment our pages! From now everyone who has created the accounts (it's in the upper right corner of the page) can live the comments and even edit the pages! Welcome! Let's communicate and share our thoughts!

Madeline Gillum said

at 10:10 pm on Feb 3, 2010

Hello from Ontario, California, USA. We have spent some time enjoying your website and the pictures of your students and school. We even watched a few of your English Ppts. We are excited to send you our Welcome package and let you know more about us. The students want to know where you got your great animations for your slide shows. If you would like to visit our blog, it is www.gillum.edublogs.org

Oxana Krailo said

at 9:26 pm on Feb 5, 2010

Hello and welcome to a small virtual piece of Ukraine! And thanks a lot for nice words! Your blog is exciting and with lots of creativity and interesting information.

Madeline Gillum said

at 11:16 pm on Feb 5, 2010

Wow! We are fortunate to have at least 6 computers in each classroom with wireless internet. We also have a computer lab with 30 computers, and lots of other technology. How wonderful for you to provide the internet experience to your students. Some of the

Madeline Gillum said

at 11:20 pm on Feb 5, 2010

I'msorry. I hit the wrong button and accidently sent the message before I was finished. We would like to see a newspaper in your language and some currency. (of the smallest value of course) Anything else that your students feel would represent their lives is good. We are taking some pictures to send to you so you can see our classroom and school. If there is anything in particular that the students are wanting to see, please let us know and we will do our best to send it.

Mrs. Gillum's class California, USA

wendy jewell said

at 1:18 am on Feb 9, 2010

Hello from Canada to all the students and teachers participating in this My Hero Learning Circle. I love your blog! It is sunny, snowy and 2o below here today. My football team, the Indianapolis Colts lost the big game yesterday called the SuperBowl to the New Orleans Saints... it was a great game and the Saints DID deserve to win but I am still a bit sad.
Looking forward to hearing about the heroes from your country. Have a great day. Cheers... Wendy Jewell, Facilitator, My Hero Learning Circles, www.myhero.com

Natalya_Shigarova said

at 12:10 am on Feb 23, 2010

A really nice blog! It shows your kids have such an interesting and active life! You're really doing a lot to develop your students and teach them English. As we're very close neighbors I can recognize many things: the classrooms, the school subjects, the teachers and of course the kids look very much the same as here. I really love your presentations! I'm going to send you ours as a Welcome pack. They are about our community and our school and I hope you'll enjoy them too.
Good luck on your future work and look forward to hearing about your heroes.
Natalya Shigarova, Murom, Russia

Oxana Krailo said

at 9:11 pm on Feb 24, 2010

Thank you! and our Welcome Pack with lots of other pupils' presentations (they are rather big in size so our Internet doesn't allow us to post them here) which can be used as a teaching facility is waiting to be packed and sent:)

Oleg Yerokhin said

at 3:59 pm on Jun 1, 2010

It's very interesting blog.It's bad, that the school in Kharkov have similar blogs on the Internet.

Oxana Krailo said

at 7:57 pm on Oct 6, 2012

Welcome to our space again! We are happy to meet the new friends from the MY HERO project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oxana Krailo said

at 9:17 pm on Jul 28, 2015

Time flies and the things change. We get more and more new friends and pertners from all over the world. Please, feel free to leave your comments on this space.

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